Now You can really Tune In to YOU! Listening to your body can be very helpful if you have time to tune in!
Try this meditation from The Mindful Movement on Releasing Suppressed Emotions - A Guided Meditation. This will guide you to eliminate emotional obstacles, very powerful.
Time to Tincture UP~ Now you can tune into your body and learn about what will help you eliminate toxins from your physical body. I believe true health looks a the physical, spiritual, mental and emotions well being to be balanced. I recommend you go shopping at your favorite store and be inquisitive and do research on natural herbal alternative remedies. | I went to our local Sahara Mart here in Bloomington and I was not sure what I was looking for and then I saw on the clearance rack tinctures . . . ok now I can see what is speaking to me here. I have a dream of a Tincture Alchemy Healing Bar where you can dial up a potion just for you. I was drawn to the Red Clover and Ginger. |
I am including here a website learn how to make Ginger Tincture and a website for a company out of Maine that has some nice products. https://www.rootedearth.com/
The serendipitous thing is that I just got my results from a blood test and I have high cholesterol, I have included Fish Oil and Oatmeal. Red Clover and Ginger both have amazing healing benefits for High Cholesterol and more! !https://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-red-clover.html
The serendipitous thing is that I just got my results from a blood test and I have high cholesterol, I have included Fish Oil and Oatmeal. Red Clover and Ginger both have amazing healing benefits for High Cholesterol and more! !https://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-red-clover.html